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Myths About Coffee

Apr 21, 2022 (Updated on Mar 21, 2023)

Statistics show that the average coffee drinker consumes about three and a half cups of coffee a day. Coffee shops are a favored gathering place for coffee drinkers and are often bustling, filled with everyone from aficionados to people who need a little energy boost. Whether you order coffee beans online, buy ground coffee from local coffee shops, or grab a can off the shelf at the supermarket, you probably have been duped by some coffee myths.

If you do not drink coffee, you are in the minority. Coffee shops can be found around the world serving millions of people this tasty beverage. It is a ritual for many people to grab a cup of joe on their way out the door in the morning, and many drink it throughout the day. There are a lot of myths about this magical beverage.

What is the Deal with Coffee and Health?

Some of the biggest misconceptions about coffee are about how it impacts your health. Here are some of the most popular beliefs about coffee and good health:

  • Diabetics should not drink coffee. This is a myth. People with diabetes can drink coffee but should avoid sweet syrups and sugar. There is actually evidence that coffee can lower the risk of Type II diabetes by about 7% per cup of coffee per day.
  • Coffee can dehydrate you. Another myth. Coffee is a mild diuretic, but the amount of water used to create that great-tasting cup of satisfaction counteracts the diuretic effect.
  • If you are on a diet, forgo the coffee. Yes, you may want to forgo fancy calorie-laden drinks made with coffee, but a cup of coffee on its own is only one calorie per cup. It is not the coffee you need to skip but all the things you add to it.

Coffee is chockful of good for you nutrients like potassium, antioxidants, magnesium, and niacin. It is an ergogenic aid that can help to improve mental clarity and physical performance.

Other Myths

It is not true that all coffee has the same amount of caffeine. How the beans are roasted and for how long affects the amount of caffeine present. The darker the brew, the more caffeine is another non-truth. As a matter of fact, sometimes the darker brews have less caffeine.

Boiling water poured over coffee grounds doesn't necessarily make the best cup. The perfect brew point for coffee is with water that is right at 200 degrees. Water that is hotter than that will produce a burnt coffee taste, which is why so many people prefer coffee from coffee shops. Your local coffee shop has the right tools to create a perfectly brewed cup of coffee.

The Good Stuff

Coffee beans are powerhouses of nutrition and may even ward off some cancers. It may also help lower blood sugar and improve digestion. Coffee is constantly being studied because it is such a staple in many people’s diets, and researchers are always discovering new benefits.

Stop by your favorite coffee shop and grab a cup guilt-free. Coffee (up to three cups a day) can help keep the doctor away.
